Hej mitt vinterland!

Nu har vi då äntligen fått lite snö! Och idag har det varit under tio minus grades för första gången den här vintern (här nere i Umeå alltså, hemma hade de väl tio grader redan i november).

Var och vrålfikade hos Louise igår - mycket gott!! Säkert väldigt nyttigt också, speciellet efter träning men som sagt helt otroligt gott i alla fall.

Nu är det snart jullov... jag ska bara skriva klart lilla uppsatsen, eller jag ska åtminsone vara nästan klar.

Ytterligare ett favoriavsnitt av Vänner idag, behöver jag säga något mer än "Pivot, pivot, pivot!" ? Okej i så fall:

- I'm sorry I just wanna make sure I've bought the right couch. I need a couch that says "kids welcome here". But that also says 'come here to me'"
- What, you that to kids?
- No, no, nno the 'come here to me' is, you know, for the ladies.
- Ross honey, is a nice couch it's not a magic couch.

- You two are really gonna enjoy that couch.
- Oh, yeah, we're, we're not together.
- Oh okay, something didn't quite add up there.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- Ross...
- Well, you, her. I mean she's very... you know, and you're like... you know.
- Not that it's any of your business but we did go out.
- Really? You two?
- Yeah, Rach.
- I don't really wanna be doing this right now I'm carrying a very heavy couch.
- Then tell him quickly.
- Fine, we went out.
- Not only did we go out we did it 298 times.
- Ross! Oh my, oh you kept count, you are such a loser!
- A loser you did it with 298 times.

- Hey Ross, I brought reinforcements.
- Oh great, what you brouhgt Joey?
- Well I brought the next best thing.
- Hey
- Chandler, you brought Chandler. The bext best thing would be Monica.

- I can't believe that didn't work.
- I know me neither, I mean you had a sketch!



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